C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor - Genel Bakış

C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor - Genel Bakış

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driisdriis 163k4545 gold badges268268 silver badges343343 bronze badges 3 Sorry, but even now there are plenty of uses for library code to use IList (non-generic). Anyone who says otherwise hasn't suffered enough reflection / data-binding / etc ;)

Bu şekilde listelerin birbirini point etmesi ve bandajlı listenin elemanlarına değer verilmesi esenlanmaktadır.

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The following example demonstrates the implementation of the IList interface to create a simple, fixed-size list.

Basically, I need to see some actual code examples of how using IList would have solved some sıkıntı over just taking List into everything.

Örneğin, aşağıdaki kodda bir IAnimal tipinde bir oynak tanımladım ve bu değanlayışkene Dog ve Cat nesneleri atadım.

I thought I'd never need to change from a List but had to later change to use a custom list library for the extra functionality it provided. Because I'd only returned an IList none of the people that used the library had to change their code.

class Kisi string ad; string soyad; public string Ad get return ad; grup ad = value; public string Soyad get return soyad; takım soyad = value;

This example also tells you that there may be situations when you need to specify C# IList Kullanımı the implementation, derece the interface, in the argument list: In this example, whenever you require a particular access performance characteristic.

Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues as the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it with C# IList Kullanımı a new feedback system. For more information see: .

By asking for more than you need, you C# IList Nedir (1) make the caller do unnecessary work to satisfy your unnecessary demands, and (2) communicate falsehoods to C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır the reader. Ask only for what you're going to use. That way if the caller has a sequence, they don't need to call ToList on it to satisfy your demand.

Is IList a good fit for your organisation? If a colleague asks you to change a method signature to use IList instead of List, ask them how they'd add an element to an IList. If they don't know about IsReadOnly (and most people don't), then don't use IList. Ever.

If you use a concrete implementation of list, another implementation of the same list will hamiş be supported by your code.

It doesn't affect the signature of the method, and is takım in stone at compile time. You should instead be helping him get over C# IList Nedir his confusion about declaring his local like IList foo = new List - this is where his confusion clearly lies.

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